Spring Clean 2023. Painting everything from 2022
Scarecrows (North Star Miniatures (Metal))
The Scarecrows were primed IDF Israeli Sand Grey (Vallejo Surface Primer) then given a Payne’s Grey wash and dry brushed Pale Sand (Vallejo Model Color).
Pumpkin Scarecrow Xpress Color list:
- Head- Martian Orange
- Pumpkin Stem – Plague Green
- Hands/Feet/Chest/Belt – Wasteland Brown
- Cleaver handle/Coat/Trouser patch – Copper Brown
- Trousers/Coat elbow patch/Scarf – Space Grey
The eyes where done with Ivory in the centre followed by an edge highlight of Blue Ink mixed with Ivory. Thinned down blue ink was applied in and around the eye and then the Blue Ink/Ivory mix was edge highlighted again and I tried to get some in the centre of the eyes.
Bag head Scarecrow Xpress Color list:
- Bag head/Scythe handle/Trousers – Copper Brown
- Hair/Chest/Hands/Feet – Wasteland Brown
- Jacket/Trouser patch – Space Grey
The metal parts of the weapons were painted with Black Ink and then the figures were varnished gloss then matt. The weapons then got a coat of a Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo Model Color), Panzer Dark Grey (Vallejo Model Air) and Airbrush Thinner mix. This was followed by Silver (Vallejo Game Color) being added to the mix and layered round the blade and edges. A final highlight of Silver and Ivory mixed with airbrush thinner was added before a coat of Army Painter Strong tone.
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