The Ballad of Bradicles
A Horse of Course - Day of Battle Pt 2
Eeyoricles spurred the horse forward clearing the forest edge. He saw the Roman equites beginning to move, likely to throw a few javelins and retire. No matter, he’d return the favor and waved the Psiloi forward.
Uncertain if leaving the safety of the woods was wise, they moved forward realizing that the Hetairoi were likely the object of the equites wrath. A few ranging shots to little effect gave the equites no concern. They gathered speed and then at the last minute drew their swords and charged the Hetairoi. Caught flat footed the Hetairoi had little recourse other than to abandon their Xystons and draw swords themselves. Badly bloodied but still standing, they held but were much reduced.
The Psiloi continued to move, clearing the way for a possible charge by their own cavalry. As they did, they crossed the paths of the Equites and loosed more javelins, bringing them down!
“Now, Pezhetairoi, now is the time! Forward the pikes!,” and with that, the pikemen came on, leveling their pikes at the last moment. They pushed the Romans back, reformed again and and again. There were few casualties on either side but both sides were exhausted.
Eeyoricles saw that the Hetairoi had sorted themselves out and gotten reorganized. He ordered them to rampage in the enemy’s rear. He hoped it would be enough.

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