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Hutchs Battletech, A new Begining

Hutchs Battletech, A new Begining

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Camo scheme in stages

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

This is my quick and simple take on painting something similar to Chocolate Chip Camo.

My colour scheme is in no way intended to be accurate, rather just a simple and quick camouflage that I can replicate over and over again without too much thought or effort.

Spray Painted with Citadel Zandri Dust.  A few panels blocked in with Army Painter Ash Grey.  I just did one coat, and it was a pretty rough coat at that.Spray Painted with Citadel Zandri Dust. A few panels blocked in with Army Painter Ash Grey. I just did one coat, and it was a pretty rough coat at that.
A wash of Agrax Earthshade all over the entire figure.A wash of Agrax Earthshade all over the entire figure.
Re-apply Zandri Dust and Ash Grey paint to the panels, again no need to be too neat.  Just try to keep the Agrax Earthshade in the recesses.  The paint on small irregular blobs of Vallejo Model Colour Flat Brown.  Not too many splodges as I wanted the sand colour to be the dominant colour.   Re-apply Zandri Dust and Ash Grey paint to the panels, again no need to be too neat. Just try to keep the Agrax Earthshade in the recesses. The paint on small irregular blobs of Vallejo Model Colour Flat Brown. Not too many splodges as I wanted the sand colour to be the dominant colour.
Next up was little dots of Vallejo Model Colour German Grey.  I find it easier to use a little cocktail stick to put the dots on.  Try it next time you do dot camo.  It makes life so much easier.  One small dot on the edge of each brown splodge and the occasional dot on other areas should be enough.Next up was little dots of Vallejo Model Colour German Grey. I find it easier to use a little cocktail stick to put the dots on. Try it next time you do dot camo. It makes life so much easier. One small dot on the edge of each brown splodge and the occasional dot on other areas should be enough.
Then using the same cocktail stick method I applied a small dot of Vallejo Model Colour Siler Grey covering up most of the previously applied dark grey dots.Then using the same cocktail stick method I applied a small dot of Vallejo Model Colour Siler Grey covering up most of the previously applied dark grey dots.
Edge highlight the sand areas next with Citadel Ushanti Bone. I didn't do every edge, just enough to create an effect.  I made sure to use this colur to highlight across the previously applied brown splodges too.  This helps tie the camo together a bit better.  A light drybrush would probably also do the trick, but it may dull down the brown splodges a bit.  Edge highlight the sand areas next with Citadel Ushanti Bone. I didn't do every edge, just enough to create an effect. I made sure to use this colur to highlight across the previously applied brown splodges too. This helps tie the camo together a bit better. A light drybrush would probably also do the trick, but it may dull down the brown splodges a bit.
Edge highlighting of the grey areas was done with Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey.  Again, it doesn't have to be every edge, just enough to give an effect.Edge highlighting of the grey areas was done with Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey. Again, it doesn't have to be every edge, just enough to give an effect.
I blocked in the cockpit with Vallejo Model Colour Silver Grey.  No need to be neat as its going to get covered up in a minute anyway.I blocked in the cockpit with Vallejo Model Colour Silver Grey. No need to be neat as its going to get covered up in a minute anyway.
Finally, a coating of Citadel Coelia Greenshade for the glass.  I did two coats.  When dried the shade creates a nice effect around the edges.  Then just neaten up around the cockpit with Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey or Citadel Ushanti Bone if needed.Finally, a coating of Citadel Coelia Greenshade for the glass. I did two coats. When dried the shade creates a nice effect around the edges. Then just neaten up around the cockpit with Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey or Citadel Ushanti Bone if needed.

Once I get all my Inner Sphere mechs to this stage I will give some thought to how I am going to paint the insides of the weapon barrels.

The basing I will most likely do the same time I start painting up some new terrain.

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Nice work

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