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Chasing the Bad Moon

Chasing the Bad Moon

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Game 2, Story

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Game 2, Story

Igzig heard a rumor that the walled humans had sent a messenger out to deliver information to their allies the elves. Being a sneaky git, an ambush was set to intercept. Globbnogg was out searching for the git blessed by GorkaMorka so Skasnag joined him in the ambush. Hopefully the skills and mushroom treats of the shepherd would over come any arcane magic the humans and elves would surely have. Igzig’s force was able to catch the humans by surprise. Sending his large squig herd into the human fanatics. It wasn’t to long after the initial engagement that only the bouncing jaws of the squig herd were left. To the east Igzig spotted what had to be the messenger, a steamtank. If the humans were using something as valuable as a tank, the information had to be vital. The tank was able to elude Igzig while peppering him and Skasnag with shots from its various guns. Not seconds after the smoke cleared, the contingent of elves arrived to the south engaging the hoppers. Although highly trained, they were no match for the snapping jaws of the squigs.  Seeing their allies destroyed and not wanting the information to fall into  Igzig’s hands the humans fled. Igzig half relieved knew he would need bigger stronger beasts if he was ever going to crack that armor in the future. The warband collected all the mushrooms and dropped shiny bits they could find before heading back to the keep. Upon Igzig’s arrival to the keep. He was greated by  Globbnogg with another git by his side. Zonkgank the whinging. Igzig smiled knowing his new problems may have just been solved.

Game 2, Story
Game 2, Story

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