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Spring cleaning Challenge:  Blanchitsu Aeldari

Spring cleaning Challenge: Blanchitsu Aeldari

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Don't Roll Dice in Anger

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

So I played my first game with the Eldar. We decided to use the first edition of Kill Team, mainly because it’s a rule set we both had. I wanted to keep with the eldritch raiders feel so I substituted Dire Avenger model for the farseer mainly because I like the models


Don't Roll Dice in  Anger

I enjoyed the game but I had my arse handed to me. I’m not going to write a battle report.. Mainly because I was drinking and didn’t keep enough notes, but my mission was to assassinate his leader and it ended like this.


Don't Roll Dice in  Anger

There were some very enjoyable moments like the guardians rushing to the gun platform which was pointing at the Tau leader but been shot in the street

Don't Roll Dice in  Anger

So where to go from here… I’m not sure.  I’ve really enjoyed this projected but as the nights begin to draw in and the wheel of the year turns, painting eldar seems wrong. Almost as if this Spring Challenge was what it was and the Eldar just feel unseasonal. I am probably writing bollocks but that’s how it feels some how.

What I need to do is get the last models stripped so I can get them finished, and try to get a proper game of 40k organised to see how they do.

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