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I was told to make a terrain project

I was told to make a terrain project

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Getting started

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 9
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Such joy...Such joy...

Since I got this box just before the weekend, I snuck a peek inside every now and then to give myself a boost to keep going.

I am really amazed how much is in there. I already noticed when I picked it up: it is a hefty thing!

So, I’m using Terrain Fest to try and get the terrain battle-ready for when I can snag someone to try the game out with me. To be honest, I’ve never really done much with building and painting terrain at all (apart from assembling – and not painting – some MDF kits). I always found it quite daunting and was content to have salt and pepper terrain pieces instead. Hopefully this beginner box will be a good first step onto the long joyful path of terrain building!

This really feels like a lot of stuff and not too difficult to build. Heck, Mantic even took the time to clip it off the sprues for me! (Note: the two sprues on the left I got for free from a friend and weren’t in the box.) I smoothed the edges, where the sprues were  originally attached and set out to assemble the terrain needed for the First Game on the back of the paper mat.

Decisions, decisions

Now, the terrain is easy to assemble, but still it took some time to find together the right bits and assemble everything. This is not something you want to have to do every time you want to start a game. Also, some things might be a bit rickety.

I was pointed towards Draconis’ award winning project and I think I will ultimately follow them in having some larger cubes and cube sets pre-assembled, which you can put together in multiple ways.

For now, I’ve assembled the suggested basic layout for the first game: looks great, if you ask me!

Getting started

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“I was told to make a terrain project” – indeed 🙂

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