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Gorram's Grand Army Project

Gorram's Grand Army Project

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Sons of Horus (Epic) Part 2

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
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I’ve known since GW announced Epic’s return that I was going to go hard into it. I love the idea of really big battles of tiny models in a sci fi universe that I really enjoy reading about. I said in my first post about this army that I had managed to scrape two infantry boxes and one box of rhinos while the rest of my pre-order was held up. I painted up half of the infantry and built the rhinos. Then I moved on to some of the many, many other projects I have with only a little envy for the other people in my local gaming community who had got some games in.

Last Sunday, I finally got a dispatch email for my Epic pre-order from Business Daddy. On Tuesday I came home from work to some expensive boxes of wee tiny mens. Knowing I wouldn’t have time to crack into them until the weekend but being a child who gets easily excited, I grabbed the other bits I had primed and worked on them during the week.

Step one: place everything together so you feel good about painting thingsStep one: place everything together so you feel good about painting things
Step two: place painted things on a tray on top of the pile of plastic that arrived this week to prove you are in fact a moron. Sense of hubris threatening to overwhelm.Step two: place painted things on a tray on top of the pile of plastic that arrived this week to prove you are in fact a moron. Sense of hubris threatening to overwhelm.
Step three: take out all the models you are going to sell and then merge everything else so it fits in one reasonable size box. Sense of hubris back within tolerable levelsStep three: take out all the models you are going to sell and then merge everything else so it fits in one reasonable size box. Sense of hubris back within tolerable levels

All those sprues in one large box feels more manageable. I know it is the same amount but my brain is suitably tricked… for now at least. I grabbed one of the starter boxes worth of models and got them ready for priming in the morning so that this week’s painting is good to go

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Cult of Games Member

As long as your deliverance doesn’t involve any canoe trips we can call your experience a win. Good job at managing the fear factor.

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