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Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

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The Battle of Hent4i Hill

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

1500 point King of the hill style game.

I rolled out my trusty goblins for a scrap against an elvish and dwarven force made out of my friends old world miniatures. Really nicely painted… around 30 years ago. Kings of War has been a revelation for him as he’s able to enjoy all his old miniatures again without any GW silliness.

Not going to lie, looking at his assembled war host , I didn’t fancy my chances.

The Battle of Hent4i Hill

I set my infantry to the front and centre, second rank trolls and Mincer mob. Archers flanked the main host to be a nuisance. The table was light woods and some low hills with a few monuments.

I put my King and cavalry out on the left flank in the vague hope that I could get up against his cannon and ballistae unit and go some way to splitting his forces. It had worked quite well for me before, confidently plonking all the cavalry on one flank makes the opponent think that I have a plan or know what I’m doing. I don’t.

The gamble paid off and I managed to draw his elite cavalry over to that side, encouraged by his cannon taking out the first troop of fleabag riders he surged forward and charged the second troop. These fell before the cavalry in short order leaving the goblin king in front of the elite cavalry all alone.

But why was the goblin king smiling…


The cavalry were now in charge range of one of my troll hordes, they’d have to take hindrance for moving through the bushes, but the trolls could hit them squarely in the flank.

But before that I had the king charge them head on, drawing bemused and baffled looks from my friends.

A gap, where your cavalry used to be...A gap, where your cavalry used to be...

In the middle of the field the pack surged forward and acquitted themselves pretty well, landing a decent amount of wounds and grinding down their forces. One sharpsticks unit managed to best a troop of elven cavalry, not as lethal as the knights the trolls had faced earlier, but dangerous nonetheless. Another regiment held out against a troop of palace guards who on paper where far superior troops.

The grinder softened up an infantry unit before the pesky dragon flew in and took them from behind, although he had to take a flank charge from a regiment of rabble, and again good rolls left a few wounds on the model and tied up the dragon for another turn.

The King , no longer concerned with elvish knights was free to charge into some infantry on the flank, while the second troll horde attacked the front, it was enough to take them out.

Next turn found the king in charge range of the artillery and so the dwarf cannon was taken down, followed by the bolt thrower on the next turn.

The left flank was ours and somehow the goblin infantry had held the centre long enough for the trolls to start wheeling around. The right flank wasn’t doing so well, but all that remained were the dragon and some archers, if the elves wanted the hill then they’d have to knock the trolls off of it.

Despite the dragons valiant attempt turn seven saw a last desperate charge bounce of the trolls, the response was swift and brutal.

I like trolls.

The Battle of Hent4i Hill

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Dear lord, noseflutes! To think that the modern era of music has turned to such things. Fear the day when it all turns to kazoos!

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