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Last Hope Frontier

Last Hope Frontier

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First games test this weekend!

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I am testing Last Hope Frontier for the first time on the tabletop at the weekend!

Attempting to distil my ramblings and notes down into a flow-chart, easy accessible and readable format for my two friends to test the game has been an interesting feat.

I find the language of gaming interesting.

Words for the purpose of fiction are created (40K player of Necron here – some of the names of characters look like a scrabble board has been dropped on the floor!)

Words are used to inform or describe actions that are able to be taken by players, with words that might not be the original usage/meaning of that word.

Words from other related industries are ported across as an easy fit to describe a situation/action.

And in all my time playing, for the purpose of entertainment and enjoyment, there’s an implicit expression from the written rules to the players reading it and an acceptance of ‘okay, this means that’. Its the same with symbology and colours as well.

I hope that my ordered ramblings will be able to be understood, as that is the first goal I have of the weekend testing – will the players gain an understanding of what my intentions are?

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