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Cohors Cthulhu

Cohors Cthulhu

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Painting and detailing the Inn

Tutoring 5
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I undercoated the building in Army Painter Desert SandI undercoated the building in Army Painter Desert Sand
Painting and detailing the Inn
Painting and detailing the Inn
I understand coated the roofs, furniture and accessories matter black.I understand coated the roofs, furniture and accessories matter black.
I start to dry brush the building using various  khakis and creams, I then painted the beams in a thinned down GW Rhinox Hide. This was dry brushed AP Flat Earth, and the whole building was then drybrushed with Brainmater Beige. I start to dry brush the building using various khakis and creams, I then painted the beams in a thinned down GW Rhinox Hide. This was dry brushed AP Flat Earth, and the whole building was then drybrushed with Brainmater Beige.

Unfortunately at this point I took no more photos of the painting process.

The next post will show the finished model, and I will share some of the techniques used.

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