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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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Slow Progress

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 6

I’ve been a little frustrated in hobby time lately, I’ve got a flare up of carpal tunnel and so painting isn’t very comfy.

Coming back to this project and the test minis I painted, there still felt like there was something missing. The blue skin still felt a little flat. I decided to look around more online for other options and ended up with a bottle Two Thin Coats blue wash. Impatience won out and no test model was done. Or maybe the whole unit is test models. Perspective, eh?

Slow Progress

The process to this point then is:

  • Prime black
  • Drybrush with white to zenithal/underpaint/whatever the heck you want to call it
  • Two Thin Coats Blue wash over the skin
  • Tidy up with white over the hair/beards
  • Citadel Blood Angels Red Contrast for all the hair
  • Citadel Gore-grunta Fur contrast over weapon shafts and the few wee bits of leather
  • Army Painter Gun Metal over the other parts of the weapons
  • Vallejo US Field Drab on all the cloth
  • Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey on the little bits of fur on the two poses that have some
  • Vallejo Charred Brown for the puddle bases

At this stage, I’ve had to stop work. For the tartan, I need some pens and it is too close to payday for me to go out and get them right now. Hopefully by the end of next week, I’ll have what I need to finish them off.

In the meantime, I have some other bits to start working on…

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Cult of Games Member

I think you’ve nailed the blue skin colour. It really pops against the red hair.

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