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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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Operation rebase the orcs

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Many orcs and goblins in need of a spruce upMany orcs and goblins in need of a spruce up

Been really enjoying the old world having played a few games with my good old Dwarf army and a newer wood elf army.

So have decided to give my orcs a dust off. Rather than use spaced movement trays I fancied a rebase of the army to the newer larger bases as I think they look cool on bigger bases also the old basing was not great so needed some care and attention after years sitting in a box

2000 points of orcs on bigger bases, now to build some movement trays2000 points of orcs on bigger bases, now to build some movement trays

Been painting a moonstone chap today,whilst waiting for bits to dry I messed about with these chaps.

The orcs were a bit chipped and broken so stuck them back together on the new bases then gave them a bone drybrush and a good coat of army painter strong tone. Once that dried they got a matt varnish. Last but not least the bases had a good splodge of soil works autumn ground.

These chaps are now ready to join waaagh Guff Nuggets

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