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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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86 MTG: The Big Q1 2024 KDM Catch-up Project part 3

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Leyline WalkerLeyline Walker
Champion of the Goblin KingChampion of the Goblin King
Gourmet Hunter Anna & MilkshakeGourmet Hunter Anna & Milkshake

That was the end of the big bulk project.  I decided to paint the final model in the Aeon Trespass core box.  I’d finished the game so I thought I’d finish the last model, even if it’s not a game piece.  He was mostly flesh and I’d found a spare KDM base insert so I thought I’d paint the Grovelling Survivor from the Spidicules expansion.  Pretty sure he only exists because there was space on a sprue, so may as well use it.

Helios.  He's the first player marker from the Aeon Trespass Odyssey core box.Helios. He's the first player marker from the Aeon Trespass Odyssey core box.
KDM's Grovelling Survivor from the Spidicules expansion.KDM's Grovelling Survivor from the Spidicules expansion.

While painting them I found another Godtear warband going cheap on ebay.  It was broken.  His arm had come off so it was clearly trash no one would buy so I bid him down as I would have to go to all the trouble of repairing the model.  If only I knew anything about building toy soldiers?  However will I cope?

Kailinn, Fury of the Forest from GodtearKailinn, Fury of the Forest from Godtear
The VirtuesThe Virtues
Kailiin's bannerKailiin's banner

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