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Re Return to Rio Morpork

Re Return to Rio Morpork

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Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Our gaming group at the rime could run up to 8 players so obviously I had to have multiple Factions , One the Mexicans run by our youngest player who immediately got into character holding Winott Burp at Gunpoint in order to Force them to sign over a herd of cattle that had Been ‘Confescated’ from the Clactons

Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns
Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns
Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns
Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns

The Mexicans are a mixture of ranges, one Hinchcliffe,  the GDW boss, 3 Foundry and 4 Dixons .


Now this action by the Mexicans had not gone un-noticed by the Bannerman Detectives who were lying in wait for’ Brian the Brat’ and his gang who they believed would be attempting to Rob the Bank. Already annoyed bt Winott Burps refusal to help them catch the Desparados, one them decided to shoot one of the Mexicans totally ignoring his order to stay quiet until the robbery began. He later claimed he misheard his orders  not suprising as they were Given by Agent Elma Fudd

Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns
Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns
Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns
Rio Morpork Origins and Campaigns

The above this time are all actually Guernsey Foundry Figures

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