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From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

From the Vaulted Realm of Pluto

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Not My Little Ponies

Tutoring 10
Skill 9
Idea 10
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I have completed some centaurs and can field.. er… half cav? I’m sure Sundancer can come up with something from his penchant for coffee. Anywhat, it has been a bit of a pain with these figures as I’d expected them to be larger and more imposing for the unit. I guess it comes from putting together so many horses. I’ve looked at Eureka Miniatures for some metal ones which I hope might be bigger but for now I think having one unit is fine.

I do rather like the fact that some female torsos were included in the mix. The drawback for the sprues, however, were that the female heads were only for fauns. I supplemented with some bald metal Fine Scale ones from Statuesque Miniatures I picked up years ago. Note to kitbashers: Statuesque only offers the bald ones in their largest Heroic Scale which apparently works best with GW figures.

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