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“I will dominate you fully with my Spectrum!”

“I will dominate you fully with my Spectrum!”

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Welcome to Hazytown, population FUN!

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8
In preparation for one of the missions I’m going to build a 12x12 village area using some shanty buildings I got as part of the set and some extra bits my mate printed off. I have a 12x12 mdf board to base to so of we go!In preparation for one of the missions I’m going to build a 12x12 village area using some shanty buildings I got as part of the set and some extra bits my mate printed off. I have a 12x12 mdf board to base to so of we go!
After going in with some colours here and there to pick out doors etc I then hit them with model mates (Dirty Down) mud and sand browns and then dabbing them all over after they dried with water to mix it up.After going in with some colours here and there to pick out doors etc I then hit them with model mates (Dirty Down) mud and sand browns and then dabbing them all over after they dried with water to mix it up.
Finally some splodges of trusty rust to finish off the shacks. I’m going to do the fences the same wayFinally some splodges of trusty rust to finish off the shacks. I’m going to do the fences the same way
Next up there’s a cool looking petrol station, definitely need to be using this!!Next up there’s a cool looking petrol station, definitely need to be using this!!
After watering down the Model Mates, I then threw on some rust and it’s done! Ready to take orders for a can of coke and 20 fags at 3 in the morning!After watering down the Model Mates, I then threw on some rust and it’s done! Ready to take orders for a can of coke and 20 fags at 3 in the morning!
Layout is done, need to start basing!Layout is done, need to start basing!
Drafting in an OTTer pup for some gloss work!Drafting in an OTTer pup for some gloss work!

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nightrunnerthelazyone Recent comment authors
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The heavy use of washes in a “blanchitsu” style really suits the sculpts – well done!

Cult of Games Member

Lovely work, great project.

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