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Draconis does….  Mars Attacks!

Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Clean and prep

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

24th June 2024

Like always, I am starting out by cleaning and prepping the minis. These are older Mantic minis, and although they do have some reasonable detail they are not up to the current quality. In places the details can be a little vague, and there are quite a few prominent mould lines.

I will remove what I can in a reasonable amount of time – but I know I will not get close to getting them all.

I also added magnets at the start….

Clean and prep

Also, as I usually do, I dithered around colour. The images in the rulebook have the Martians in blue and the soldiers in desert camo. However, all the art and the film have the Martians in more of a teal or turquoise colour (and they come in a turquoise plastic to start). So, I checked around for what colours I had, and found a lack of turquoise.

Ordered some up, and currently waiting on delivery. I did however have a blue spray, so I decided to prime the Martians with that first.

Sadly, I had an issue with this army painter spray clogging up after just about 20 seconds….. luckily, having had issues with Army Painter before, I did have some spare larger nozzles. I quickly swapped it over and was able to finish priming the Martian grunts.

Next was the US soldiers. I debated going for an urban camo scheme. After discussions with a friend though I have decided to go for a basic desert camo. In his paradoxical words ‘go for the camo that stands out on the table more’ ? But, it does make sense in a way.

So, I am now at the point of cleaning up the US soldier minis and will then prime them black followed by a beige that I own (skeleton bone from Army painter – I have a spare nozzle at the ready too…)

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Cult of Games Member

I love Mantic’s minis but from this long ago they’re a challenge as you say. Go well young warrior!

Cult of Games Member

Interested to see how this one goes – not a game that you see often but very cool. Good luck with the minis; that part I don’t envy you!

Cult of Games Member

Ack! Ack! Ack!

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