The Real Arthur Curry (Wappelmania)
The Project is Now Complete.
Hi everyone,
Just finished adding the vegetation to the base, and took several photos to boot. I am quite happy with this little project and I plan on doing more like it.
The vegetation is basically dried local flora that was given a paint wash and highlighted when dry. It really looks like coral!
I also used some dried Xmas moss that is sold in bulk and some foam scatter in the cracks and crevices.
It is always a conundrum deciding how much vegetation to put on. I decide that less was more in this case, as I didn’t want to divert attention from the model.
That is the end of that. I will start a similar project from the mountain of stuff that I have stored in boxes. I just have to decide what to do. In the meantime, I will continue with my Bronzecast Ogrion army.
Until the next project, have fun and stay safe.
That’s the lightest Jason Mamoa I’ve EVER seen! ?
Come to think of it? LOL