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Badgering a Normie

Badgering a Normie

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Idea 4

I have backed several of the Kickstarters from Oathsworn for their miniatures line Burrows and Badgers. I’ve even painted a fair bit of it. I’ve had the game since it’s first print run back in 2018. When the solo rules launched during lockdown, I immediately downloaded it. As recently as December last year, I bought a bunch more minis from their site and I love them.

So how many times have these glorious models graced the table in this simple but delightful looking game?

*koff* Zero.

The recent Let’s Play here on OTT lit a fire under me to get it to the table. I usually pick games up, even when I’m less than into them, because there are people locally who play and it’ll be easier to get a game in. I rarely bother being the one to push a new one.

A friend is going through a rough time at the moment and is in need of a distraction. She is a massive nerd, just not a wargamer (yet). I reached out to offer to teach her B&B. We’ve put a date in the diary for the 13th of July.

Let’s get this ready for snagging a Normie, shall we?

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Cult of Games Member

*tsk tsk* From snagging to badgering? One must question your sense of ethics. Normies frighten easily and must be caged quickly in order to get them play games otherwise we’d end up with real life animal bothering shows (aka “Let’s Plays”)

Cult of Games Member

Buying games, painting the minis and never play it… who ever does that?! *tries to hide his Fallout and Frostgrave stuff*

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