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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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More ww2 orky dudes

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Bult up some chaps to defend the objectives.

They are a mix of German parts from bolt action with some gw and mantic heads

I have not had a chance to read the 0200 hours rules yet so am not sure exactly what I need so just made a mix of figures

Thought it would be cool to give the. Different hats to tell the different troop types from a distance.

The sentries have plain helmets and the regular infantry have covers.

For the unusual infantry types like the dog handlers I am using bodies with cammo smocks

Officer Officer
A pilot could be an objective in gameA pilot could be an objective in game
A guard squig and  handler A guard squig and handler
Some regular infantrySome regular infantry
A group of sentries A group of sentries

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