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SkavenTide and Beyond

SkavenTide and Beyond

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The clan rats - First steps

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 4
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Copied a flag from some Gnawhole terrain I scratch built.Copied a flag from some Gnawhole terrain I scratch built.
There are standard bearers and musicians in the set. They provide some buff in game too so I will be fielding those all the time.There are standard bearers and musicians in the set. They provide some buff in game too so I will be fielding those all the time.
I liked picking a rat at the feet of the flagratman to paint white. Just so he stands out against the basing.I liked picking a rat at the feet of the flagratman to paint white. Just so he stands out against the basing.
I think they will all get a splash of gore somewhere to show they're in the thick of it. Not necessarily weapons caked in blood, but certainly splatter from the fighting around them.I think they will all get a splash of gore somewhere to show they're in the thick of it. Not necessarily weapons caked in blood, but certainly splatter from the fighting around them.
Thought I would start with the fun stuff. The flags and drummers. Then maybe after that need to speed up with some batch painting of the clan ratsThought I would start with the fun stuff. The flags and drummers. Then maybe after that need to speed up with some batch painting of the clan rats
Lloyd shot Lloyd shot
These minis have plenty of detail, which slows you up a touch, but the brown primer is great as a grimey base. If you miss a bit it's rust, mud or some other grime.These minis have plenty of detail, which slows you up a touch, but the brown primer is great as a grimey base. If you miss a bit it's rust, mud or some other grime.
I will probably have one unit with more purple in and one with more red in to help me define the 20 rat squads.I will probably have one unit with more purple in and one with more red in to help me define the 20 rat squads.

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Cult of Games Member

A fantastic job on your skaven figures @dugthefug1644 congratulations on your gold button for the work on them

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