Draconis Does….. TerrainFest 2024
Brief river update
13th December 2024
Well, its been a bit of time, so I thought that I should post an update. I haven’t had much time for hobby of late unfortunately though, so there isn’t much.
For the section of river, bridge and ford I had 3’ of the thin fibre/mdf board left, so sketched out three river sections onto that. One had the ford, one space for the bridge and one just plain.
I cut these out, and used the curvy edges as a template to mark out the banks onto some old foamcard I was reusing.
This was then glued down onto the base board, and trimmed down roughly.
Not sure what style of bridge to make, so I sketched out a couple of choices. One would be a wooden bridge, using balsa and coffee stirrer sticks. The other would be using foamcard. Also, a lot of tidying up to do…..
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