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Lupa15’s Cygnar

Lupa15’s Cygnar

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Project Blog by lupa15 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 44

About the Project

My collection of Cygnar, you may have seen my Protectorate of Menoth force. I have not painted as much of my Cygnar force and have multiple units, solos and Warjacks left to complete for this force.

This Project is Active

Khador Risen Completed

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Started over the summer and I recently finished the last two with a small paint restock.  Here they are in their full undead glory.

Khador Risen Completed

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages - Update!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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It has been a while but I finally revisited the Arcane Tempest Gun mages.  Last I left off they had been based in Citadel Kantor Blue with a wash of Citadel Nuln Oil.

I started by layering some more Citadel Kantor Blue while leaving the shading in the recesses.  A highlight of Citadel Altdorf Guard Blue was used to lighten the dark blue of the coats while also tying it into what I want to paint the pants and arm sleeves.

While not pictured here I started by experimenting with a base coat of Citadel Altdorf Guard Blue and then washing it with Citadel Drakenhof Nightshade.

Precursor Knights and Constance Blaize In Progress

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 1
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Alexia and Bane Thrall Completed!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 1
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Purple Cloak

  1. A few thin coats of Citadel Base Naggaroth Night
  2. A chunky highlight over any raised areas of Citadel Layer Xereus Purple
  3. An edge highlight of Citadel Layer Genestealer Purple
  4. An all over wash of Citadel Shade Druchii Violet

Red Cloth

  1. A few thin coats of Citadel Khorne Red
  2. An all over wash of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade
  3. A edge highlight of Citadel Layer Wazdakka Red

Alexia’s Armor

  1. Citadel Base Leadbelcher
  2. An all over wash of Citadel Shade Nuln Oil
  3. Neaten up the armor so that the shade remains only in the recesses with Citadel Base Leadbelcher
  4. Highlight using Citadel Layer Stormhost Silver

Sword Gold

  1. Citadel Base Retributor Armor
  2. An all over wash of Citadel Shade Seraphim Sepia
  3. A highlight of Citadel Base Retributor Armor

Glowing Sword Effect

  1. Two coats of Citadel Layer White Scar
  2. A wash of Citadel Glaze Waywatcher Green
  3. A wash of Citadel Glaze Lamenters Yellow

Black Sword

  1. Citadel Base Chaos Black
  2. A highlight of Citadel Layer Dark Reaper
  3. A fine highlight of Citadel Layer Thunderhawk Blue


  1. Several coats of Citadel Layer Cadian Fleshtone
  2. A wash of Citadel Shade of Reikland Fleshshade
  3. Layer on the most prominent regions Citadel Layer Cadian Fleshtone
  4. More like a highlight add a layer of Citadel Layer Kislev Flesh

Bane Armor

  1. Several thin layers of Citadel Base Leadbelcher
  2. A heavy wash of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade
  3. A highlight of Citadel Base Leadbelcher
Mini-crate alternate sculpt Alexia arrived!Mini-crate alternate sculpt Alexia arrived!

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages - In Progress

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Using Citadel Base Kantor Blue followed by a wash of Citadel Wash Nuln Oil to create a rich dark blue.Using Citadel Base Kantor Blue followed by a wash of Citadel Wash Nuln Oil to create a rich dark blue.

Loads of Skeletons - Risen in Progress

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Used three thin coats of Citadel Base Zandri Dust followed by a good wash of Citadel Wash Seraphim Sepia.Used three thin coats of Citadel Base Zandri Dust followed by a good wash of Citadel Wash Seraphim Sepia.
I think Alexia is coming out great! The bane is finished, just need to glue his arm.I think Alexia is coming out great! The bane is finished, just need to glue his arm.

Firefly In Progress

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Precursor Knights How to Paint

Tutoring 4
Skill 2
Idea 1
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Silver Armor

  • Basecoat: Citadel Base Leadbelcher (started with a spray and then followed up with two thin coats of the paint over the spray)
  • Recess Wash: Citadel Shade Nuln Oil
  • Highlight: Citadel Layer Ironbreaker
  • Extreme Highlight: Citadel Layer Stormhost Silver

Gold Armor

  • Basecoat: Citadel Base Retributor Armor
  • Wash: Citadel Shade Seraphim Sepia
  • Highlight: Citadel Base Retributor Armor
  • Extreme Highlight: Citadel Layer Liberator Gold


  • Basecoat: Citadel Base Bugmans Glow
  • Wash: Citadel Shade Reikland Fleshshade
  • Layer: Citadel Base Bugmans Glow
  • Highlight: Citadel Layer Cadian Fleshtone

Blue Cloth

  • Basecoat: Citadel Caledor Sky
  • Wash: Citadel Shade Drakenhof Nightshade
  • Layer: Citadel Caledor Sky
  • Highlight: 50/50 mixture Citadel Caledor Sky and Citadel Layer Teclis Blue
  • Highlight: Citadel Layer Teclis Blue

Bleached Cloth

  • Basecoat: Citadel Layer Ushabti Bone (three thin coats)
  • Layer: Citadel Layer Screaming Skull
  • Highlight: Citadel Layer White Scar

Mace Silver

  • Basecoat: Citadel Base Leadbelcher (started with a spray and then followed up with two thin coats of the paint over the spray)
  • Wash: Citadel Shade Nuln Oil
  • Drybrush: Citadel Layer Stormhost Silver

Precursor Knights Completed

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 1
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