Lupa15’s Cygnar
Recommendations: 44
About the Project
My collection of Cygnar, you may have seen my Protectorate of Menoth force. I have not painted as much of my Cygnar force and have multiple units, solos and Warjacks left to complete for this force.
Related Game: Warmachine
Related Company: Privateer Press
Related Genre: Steampunk
This Project is Active
Khador Risen Completed
Started over the summer and I recently finished the last two with a small paint restock. Here they are in their full undead glory.
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages - Update!
It has been a while but I finally revisited the Arcane Tempest Gun mages. Last I left off they had been based in Citadel Kantor Blue with a wash of Citadel Nuln Oil.
I started by layering some more Citadel Kantor Blue while leaving the shading in the recesses. A highlight of Citadel Altdorf Guard Blue was used to lighten the dark blue of the coats while also tying it into what I want to paint the pants and arm sleeves.
While not pictured here I started by experimenting with a base coat of Citadel Altdorf Guard Blue and then washing it with Citadel Drakenhof Nightshade.
Alexia and Bane Thrall Completed!
Purple Cloak
- A few thin coats of Citadel Base Naggaroth Night
- A chunky highlight over any raised areas of Citadel Layer Xereus Purple
- An edge highlight of Citadel Layer Genestealer Purple
- An all over wash of Citadel Shade Druchii Violet
Red Cloth
- A few thin coats of Citadel Khorne Red
- An all over wash of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade
- A edge highlight of Citadel Layer Wazdakka Red
Alexia’s Armor
- Citadel Base Leadbelcher
- An all over wash of Citadel Shade Nuln Oil
- Neaten up the armor so that the shade remains only in the recesses with Citadel Base Leadbelcher
- Highlight using Citadel Layer Stormhost Silver
Sword Gold
- Citadel Base Retributor Armor
- An all over wash of Citadel Shade Seraphim Sepia
- A highlight of Citadel Base Retributor Armor
Glowing Sword Effect
- Two coats of Citadel Layer White Scar
- A wash of Citadel Glaze Waywatcher Green
- A wash of Citadel Glaze Lamenters Yellow
Black Sword
- Citadel Base Chaos Black
- A highlight of Citadel Layer Dark Reaper
- A fine highlight of Citadel Layer Thunderhawk Blue
- Several coats of Citadel Layer Cadian Fleshtone
- A wash of Citadel Shade of Reikland Fleshshade
- Layer on the most prominent regions Citadel Layer Cadian Fleshtone
- More like a highlight add a layer of Citadel Layer Kislev Flesh
Bane Armor
- Several thin layers of Citadel Base Leadbelcher
- A heavy wash of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade
- A highlight of Citadel Base Leadbelcher
Loads of Skeletons - Risen in Progress
Precursor Knights How to Paint
Silver Armor
- Basecoat: Citadel Base Leadbelcher (started with a spray and then followed up with two thin coats of the paint over the spray)
- Recess Wash: Citadel Shade Nuln Oil
- Highlight: Citadel Layer Ironbreaker
- Extreme Highlight: Citadel Layer Stormhost Silver
Gold Armor
- Basecoat: Citadel Base Retributor Armor
- Wash: Citadel Shade Seraphim Sepia
- Highlight: Citadel Base Retributor Armor
- Extreme Highlight: Citadel Layer Liberator Gold
- Basecoat: Citadel Base Bugmans Glow
- Wash: Citadel Shade Reikland Fleshshade
- Layer: Citadel Base Bugmans Glow
- Highlight: Citadel Layer Cadian Fleshtone
Blue Cloth
- Basecoat: Citadel Caledor Sky
- Wash: Citadel Shade Drakenhof Nightshade
- Layer: Citadel Caledor Sky
- Highlight: 50/50 mixture Citadel Caledor Sky and Citadel Layer Teclis Blue
- Highlight: Citadel Layer Teclis Blue
Bleached Cloth
- Basecoat: Citadel Layer Ushabti Bone (three thin coats)
- Layer: Citadel Layer Screaming Skull
- Highlight: Citadel Layer White Scar
Mace Silver
- Basecoat: Citadel Base Leadbelcher (started with a spray and then followed up with two thin coats of the paint over the spray)
- Wash: Citadel Shade Nuln Oil
- Drybrush: Citadel Layer Stormhost Silver