Dropzone Commander – Scourge
Recommendations: 2
About the Project
Painting the scourge from the Dropzone Commander 2 Player Start Set
Related Game: Dropzone Commander
Related Company: TTCombat
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Step 2 - Spraying Vehicle tops
This step was nice and simple while the PVA was drying I took the opportunity to spray the vehicles specifically the top and sides.
I used PlastiCote White Primer. I have found this to be a good spray and a little more reliable than the Poundland specials which I have had a few dodgy nozzle’s and such.
Remember when spraying to always for the following warm the can – warm (not boiling) water or back pocket for a bit, shake for about 2 mins and make sure it’s not to hot,cold,windy or humid and always do a test spray on a bit of sprue or some such
Getting started
Hey Gamers!
Welcome to the little painting guide on the Scourge from Dropzone Commander’s 2 player starter set.
Background: Basically the starter set was sat in my flags for a while and has been looking at me suggestively but I resisted until another customer walked in a told us he had some models and now we’ll I own the starter and the store owner has also picked up a force.
The Guide:
I won’t talk about how to build the models as the set comes with a very good instruction booklet but as a note I did use Tamiya Poly Cement for the first time and it was a pleasure to use nice glass bottle, precise application with brush and it holds fast and solid.
First thing I did was base the infantry this was nice a simple slap some PVA on and chuck that in a small mix I made of GW fine sand and Javis Scenary products – Coal which gives a good mixture of textures