Collection of stuff I’ve actually painted
Recommendations: 25
About the Project
Just a collection point for painted items
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
6mm Parthians
This is a project thats nearly finished ,well for now. Just some camel cataphracts to go
Bored on a Saturday night so time for more pictures
Ok So it’s time for some fantasy in the guise of Pendraken goblins
I am liking the idea of some of the new fantasy games that are coming out and as I am always on the lookout to make gaming cheaper so thinking about using 1 base to represent 1 figure in a game.
Anyway on with the photos
10mm Tudor pikemen from Pendraken
These were painted for a long forgotten project
2mm terrain
Some terrain from the always excellent Irregular Miniatures
Not gaming. But.....
Everyone needs a cat photo in their lives occasionally
This is our smallest one Tipu
10mm Egyptians by Old Glory
Only a few bases of these done. I’ve painted an extra base since I took the photo but as it’s exactly the same as the other infantry I didn’t see the point of setting up another photo
Bloody Hell its 40k stuff
I’m sure this will be the only entry under the heading 40k. I got these from the conquest magazine and a hatred of building plastic figures and trying to stay within a budget this will be it