Shadespire Storage Box
Recommendations: 5
About the Project
I recently got into shadespire and damn! its a great game and its one of the few games I've managed to get my brother playing on a fairly regular basis. One problem that i have encountered is when i do take it round to other houses i tend to find that the game box itself is not adequate for transporting all of the cards tokens and miniatures as well as keeping them organised, games workshop did release a shadespire travel case...but in all honesty its a bit underwhelming for what i need. So with my design parameters in mind i put together something which i can quite easily store everything i need for an evening playing in the mirrored city.
Related Game: Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Game Aid
This Project is Active
The Box!
That is the project so far, I will eventually paint up the box and add on a few more little details but I’m also eager to hear any feedback or ideas which i may be able to add onto the final plans.