Building L.C.A’s Defensive Lines/Defence Base
Recommendations: 5
About the Project
So, I won this scenery from a Weekender at the end of last year and never really got to it as there was always something else to do. However, with the Spring Clean Hobby Challenge in effect, I have set myself a personal challenge of working on things that can get to table ready quickly to get through the things on my shelf that are providing no benefit at all (say what you like, you can play with grey minis). With this in mind, I reached for this box, Laser Cut Architect's Defensive Line and Defense Base as published by 4Ground, and have set myself the task of building and reviewing the kit.
Related Company: 4Ground
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is Completed
What's in the box!?
As mentioned in the description, this is the next part of my self styled Spring Clean Challenge to get things done.
The box comes with four packs inside. The first two are comprised of walls: one containing three straight sections and two angled sections (they bend out/in in the middle at an angle), the other containing another straight section and four corners (look to fit at 45 degree angles to slope ’round rather than meeting at a sharp point.
So, down to brass tacks. Time to get some built and report back on the experience.