Back to the old hammer
Recommendations: 600
About the Project
Finally painting my dream armies from when I was 12. I'm now 42. I've managed to rescue most of my favorite minis from the horrible thick paint and dust and I've started painting them trying to get the old eavy metal look. I have not got a steady hand, but I have no problem spending a lot more time per mini than I did back in the day.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge (Old)
This Project is On Hold
Texture paste test of patience.
I hate this paste but I started using it and now I’m just matching the other miniatures I’ve already done. It looks good when done and it is cheap but it’s a nightmare to put on quickly when the minis are slotta based.
Not many arms for my old minis so out with the milliput.
The only thing I don’t like about some of the metal GW minis is plastic arms. The ones that came with the metal orks were particularly bad. They were originally designed for the ork plastic set and reused for the later metals, trouble is that half of them fit really badly. I’ve taken to cutting them just bellow the sleeve and rotating them to give a better pose. Even in the early white dwarf mags you can see some customised arm posing to get round the bad fit.
Brighter than I've painted before
I want to have the super bright bold colours of early 40k which goes against all my instincts. Almost everything is stripped now. I do need to add something with my basing it’s just vallejo texture paste at the moment.