A day in the Marine corp is like a day on the farm. Every meals a banquet. Every paycheck a fortune. Every formation a parade. I *love* the corps
Recommendations: 137
About the Project
Game over man , game over
Related Game: Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps
Related Company: Gale Force Nine
Related Genre: Movies
This Project is Active
M577 APC 3d replacement token by sigmar109
I saw this on Ebay way back in 2021. Gale force 9 was going to release their own version, but this never was released. So after 2 years i decided to go with the Ebay one. At £50 + £4.50 post it was a bit on the top end that i would have paid for the kit. On arrival this 3d printed resin 3d token is perfect. with only the tinniest amount of clean up needed. The kit cones in 15 parts upper hull , lower hull, 2 guns. and a detailed interior. The interior detail is all printed separate from the main hull , to enable you to paint all the part fairly easily. Fall marks to the Ebayer around for speed of postage, how clean the model is. I would highly recommend this kit to any one who wants a 3d APC for the Aliens Another Glorious day in the Corps games
You can find the listing here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/145010851087?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UlY6ZUTdQbq&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=-glAG1vdRI2&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY