Silver Bayonet to regain Mojo
Recommendations: 7
About the Project
I have struggled to find my mojo, and have painted nothing of consequence. Silver Bayonet has tempted me in as I have always had a hankering for a Gothic Napoleonic World, loving the Strange and Norrel books. So I am hoping this will break my barren period.
Related Game: The Silver Bayonet
Related Company: North Star Military Figures
Related Genre: Horror
This Project is Active
I have been suffering from painters block and have been unable to progress significantly on any of my current projects, so I have come up with the bright idea of starting a new project.
While I am waiting for the rulebook and French to arrive (I am only starting with one faction as I do not want to be overwhelmed, plus I can use these models to try out solo rules whilst I paint the British which I will get once the French are finished) I have been looking through old models to see what I can utilise in the game. I am enjoying using the models from some of unfinished projects (as I have found a basing style that I like and will be using across multiple projects) meaning I will also be progressing some of these projects as well particularly my Glorantha/Saga and Achtung Cthulhu projects.
I will be documenting my progress including Reviews, painting, modelling, and battle reports here to try and keep me on track.