Mordheim (sort of…)
Recommendations: 1134
About the Project
A collection of ruined buildings and terrain for a custom skirmish game. It's not for Mordheim per say, but it can offer some inspiration for Mordheim, Frostgrave or similar setting.
Related Game: Mordheim
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
A long-overdue update..
Finished another building.
It’s a rather large ruin.
I was not satisfied with the initial result: it looked boring with wide open space.
I completed the flooring for the first story. I glued sand and pebbles on the base, but it was still off and plain looking.
So I opted to add flooring to the second floor. I added crates to the base (3d printed stuff from Etsy). I also built a small weapon rack a while ago for a different project, but I had never completed it.
Slowly finishing a speed crafting project ?♂️
Another simple ruined building.
Basic architecture, but I like how the corner bricks came out.
And a detail nobody will notice and/or care about ?
This building is missing one of its bronze statue at the entrance.
The second bronze head can be found half-buried in the small ruins (another building).
A wood bridge to connect two structures. I should have made them longer..
The Red Tower
The red tower was almost finished a while ago, but then life happened and I had no time for crafting..
Here is the final result:
A very simple structure (square tower..), but I like the way it came out.
A few key features make it more interesting:
– a hanging sign (as was suggested earlier in the comments),
– simple tiles plus a wood fence for the entrance
– the shed
The two towers side by side. Very similar architecture, but with slightly different dimensions.
The red colours really help to differentiate them.
All Hail the Grandmaster!
The Cult of Games has new Grandmaster: all hail Boris Woloszyn!
To honour him, here’s two nice models that he sculpted.
More oil washes ?
Since I was visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout, here’s a long overdue update! ?
And some wood bridges to connect the buildings. I thought I would add some ropes, but I like the way it looks right now.
May add a bit of blood splatter at one point ?♂️
Small ruin almost finished..
Added a barrel, a crate, some broken chains, and some wood beams. The painting on the bricks and the wood is not finished, but I like how adding a few details to a terrain piece can really make more interesting.
Small ruin almost finished..
Added a barrel, a crate, some broken chains, and some wood beams. The painting on the bricks and the wood is not finished, but I like how adding a few details to a terrain piece can really make more interesting.
First tower done!
Still need to add some tuft and oil wash, but I like how this simple squared tower is looking ?
XPS foam bricks
About two months ago, I found some really nice rectangular wood bases at the dollar store. That inspired me to make a small ruined house with XPS foam bricks.
I was not overly pleased with the result. It looks a bit boring, so it just sat on my shelf.
While working on the other buildings, I figure I should finish it as well.
Going to add a few elements to make it more interesting: a barrel, broken down beams, chains. We’ll see how that comes out in the end ?
I added small rocks and a lot of sand on the bases with PVA glue.
Once it was dry, I poured watered-down PVA glue to make sure nothing was coming off later.
Roof tiles
Roof tiles are easy to make and they look great, especially the smaller tiles. However, they take a long time to apply, so for this « mass crafting » project, I avoided them, except for two small areas. (They are just leftover tiles from my previous large building.)
Bit of Painting
Painted the bricks with brown and tan colors. It tends to look more natural than « grey stone ». Will add some oil washes later.
New Mass Crafting Project!
Trying something new: speed crafting!!
Aiming to finish 5 simple buildings in a short time. I am a slow painter and crafter, so this is an exercise to force me to speed things up.
Not focusing on the details, just trying to achieve 5 grimdark terrain pieces in a reasonable time!
The Beast Completed!
And the Beast is finally done! (I may come back to fix a few things in the future, but for now it’s done).
Took about two months to complete (could only worked for an hour or two at a time).
Came out differently than how I expected, but still very happy with the end result.
I will probably post more pictures later with miniatures and list of tips/things I learned through out the project 🙂
6 - Oil washes
Just tried oil washes for the first time. Very fast learning curve and it was fun to work with.
I used the oil washes for most of the weathering effect and overall wash. Will definitively stick to oil washes for terrain in the future!
4 - Flooring
Balsa wood as support beams before adding the floor itself.
Paid a lot of attention to the “flooring design” for the tower: since there is three levels, I had to make sure there was enough space to place a model and move it around the tower.