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The Blood Bowl Project – Painting an Entire League of 900+ miniatures!

The Blood Bowl Project – Painting an Entire League of 900+ miniatures!

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Project Blog by GrayPrimer Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 21

About the Project

Blood Bowl is my favourite game of all time, and not only is it the game that got me into the hobby when I was in school, but also the game that brought me back to the hobby as an adult. Over the years, I've been busy collecting miniatures with the grand ambition of owning an entire league's worth of teams. Incredibly, I now have one complete league, made up of: * 2 Conferences * 12 Divisions * 72 Teams * 900+ players So, with part one of the dream completed it's time to move on to part two - getting them all painted! This will probably take a few years to do, but I'm going to track my progress here. Hopefully, I'll also be able to see an improvement in my painting abilities too!

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