Dungeon Bowling
Recommendations: 39
About the Project
One of the last games I acquired in 2021 was GW new iteration of Dungeon Bowl. The environmental quirkiness and borderline gonzo rules attracted me and I delved right in, assembling and painting the two provided teams.
Related Game: Dungeon Bowl
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Sports
This Project is Active
The Umbra Striders – Dungeonbowl College of Shadow – Part 1 -Dark Skavens
Now that the Dark Elfs are complete, it is the skavens turn to sneak on the stage.
I kept the same colour scheme as that of the elfs, the furr and skin providing a nice contrast.
The Umbra Striders – Dungeonbowl College of Shadow – Part 1 -Dark Elfs
I first want to emphasize that the Dark Elf players were probably the most finicky miniatures I ever built (seriously GW, two pieces for a foot!!!). Yet, the end result is undeniably dynamic and interesting so I suppose the 2 plus hours I spent building six minis was a worthy use of my time.
College of Fire - The Vulcan Blazers

Gnoblars were painted with GW paints (contrast orc skin for the skin with light green highlights – these guys are small so strong contract is preferable). Note that I painted their numbers on the base as doing so on their clothes would have been less readable.
The two ogres were quite fun to paint and offered plethora of details and options. I opted for the hand-held gnoblar due to the ogre ability to throw the team mate, and also because I found it humorous…
The Vulcan Blazers area ready to bring the Dungeon Bowl Cup home!