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Into the badlands (Gaslands)

Into the badlands (Gaslands)

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Project Blog by Cookiesk8r

Recommendations: 15

About the Project

My project documenting my terrain building, conversions and musings for gaslands refuelled.

This Project is Active

A long time coming

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Just a quick update. I’ve been busy in the back ground printing some terrain for gaslands I’ve found on thingiverse using my fdm printer, amongst the million and one other projects I have swirling round in my head, on the table and in the mountain of stuff to do.

I’ve managed to introduce a few other mates into gaslands and managed to even have a few games with @warbossd now he’s back and local to me. I’m going to detail the painting process more in a later post on the terrain but for now I have a few containers printed and a full set of 6 gates printed and their numbers. I hastily airbrushed and drybrushed these in the picture below to introduce a mate to the game on Saturday night. They are however going to be further weathered and made to fit into the wasteland in general all of which will be detailed in my next post.

A roughly thrown together kitchen table game.A roughly thrown together kitchen table game.

Apologies once again for the delay in posting updates but I’m going to try and use the ott site to document my hobby development and growth alongside paint schemes.


I’ll try and not make the gap to the next update be quite so long.

The start of the road ahead

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Now I will be the first to admit, I never usually blog or document my painting particularly well. I tend to take a tonne of inspiration from tutorials on youtube mixing and matching to get the idea in my head down onto my minis. Having seen warbossD’s posts ( and using them to document and inspire as well as co-hosting our weekly hobby live stream ( I thought I might as well start dipping my toe.

I have had a couple of demo games courtesy of a fellow wastelander at my local club, not even by the end of the first game I was hooked lined and sinkered. A table top game where you convert matchbox and hotwheels parts adding 3d printed components or bits from the bits box. I’m in seeing as my other hobby that accompanies the tabletop gaming is 3d printing, and I will admit I am quite a fan of cars. I also am a dad, so often am frequenting the toy aisles of shops. Cue me building quite a collection of cars (at least 35pcs) ready to convert for a few teams and buying the rulebook in preparation. The guy that gave me a demo game printed a set of templates and gates for club to keep for demo’s etc.

A few weeks later an old member at club returns after a hiatus and is re-entering the hobby, strolling over and asking what I have been up to lately, cue me reeling off my list of purchases and games I am in love with at the moment such as infinity and underwolds. I mentioned gaslands in passing and off he went to have a look on the internet at what might just pique his interest. I get a message later that week that gaslands might be his jam too, so I do a demo game for him and we have snowballed from there.

I own a deepcut studio Badlands mat, a 3d printer, and just enough hobby knowhow and scratch building skills to probably be considered dangerous. So here we are documenting the conversions I am going to make, the printing for terrain I will do and just my thoughts and feelings on gaslands.

Since I introduced my mate into gaslands we have played 4 games just with stock cars and repurposed 28mm scale infinity and rock terrain from club/my personal stash. It looks ok and gives and impression, but me being me I want a full set just for a gaslands table. Containers, scatter pieces the works to really set the scene. There is a tonne of freely available stl files available on the internet for gaslands to set the scene, and I also want to 3d model some custom pieces myself (CAD is my day job) Also a painted and weathered terrain set looks 10x better than some MDF shipping containers thrown down (I have so many projects and loves that I am a little all over the shop when it comes to hobby time)

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