Darth Vader Diorama
Recommendations: 54
About the Project
Diorama in 28mm of Lord Vader's iconic hallway scene
Related Game: Star Wars: Legion
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
"Where are those transmissions you intercepted? What have you done with those plans?" - Lord Vader
When seeing the Rogue One movie I was literally flashed by the hallway scene with Darth Vader and how it lead to the beginning of Episode IV like a seamingless transition.
Since then it stayed in my mind and I decided to bring this scene to life with a proper diorama.
All the parts are 3d printed.
For the background I used the files from Jeffs3dCreations which can be found here:
It came with figures but was originally in 1/20 scale and when scaled down the proportions just didn’t look right to me.
Remember this is the Tantive’s hallway. The hallway scene from Rogue one is on the space ship Profundity. After finishing the project I found a suitable file a well which can be found here:
So for the miniatures I used the Dark Lord miniatures set from War bear studios (formerly known as Madox 3D) which can be found here:
I printed the background on my FDM printer, the miniatures were printed in resin. I then primed and painted everything seperate and glued in in place once finished. I then took a plastic picture frame from IKEA and cut it to the right size and put in a sheet of foamboard for the base and underneath a sheet of cork to protect and give a non slippery stand.
I really enjoyed the process and how everything turned out and the guys from War Bear Studios recently were so kind as to vote me one of the winners of their patreon painting contest.
Thanks for reading and until next time!