Idols of Torment
Recommendations: 287
About the Project
A Dark Skirmish Game from Black Magic Craft The supernatural conflicts of Idols of Torment rage across a perilous afterlife called the Echo. This ruined landscape combines remnants of Heaven and Hell following their apocalyptic collapse, forging a single, shattered realm inhabited by wandering souls – the Lost. The Idols, servants of the Eternals, seek these forlorn spirits, clashing endlessly over this dwindling yet precious resource to control the fate of the Cosmic Realm. As I cannot physically build any terrain for the last week of Terrainfest I thought I would write up my first 'big' project. I learned a huge amount on this and pushed myself well out of my comfort zone.
Related Game: IDOLS of TORMENT
Related Genre: Horror
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Active
The Finished Articles ..and introducing The Lost to their new home
I had been meaning to dig out the terrain to do some proper pictures of the finished items, having The Lost to dress the set spurred me on some, so here goes.
Painting the Lost
I wanted to create a more painterly finish to the lost, really build up the skin tones, and try and give a gauzy, translucent feel to their rags. The skin started as a prussian blue and I built up skin tones across it.
The robes I started with a dark blue-gray and built up lighter tones, and then put a blue wash over then, still have skin and robe highlights to do.
It's here!
The rulebook and accessories arrived, time to build and paint the Lost and pick a faction to print and paint.
Finishing up
These are finished barring the light sourcing effects, although those pics will have to wait.
Progressing the pieces
There’s so many things that could be better with this project, but I kind of liked the jarring, absurd nature of it. I had posted some pictures on the facebook group and got really positive responses including from the writer of the game. That’s what’s so good about groups and communities, the encouragement and advice and inspiration you can get from them.
I want to paint it black
Getting rid of the raw xps and scupltamold colours make a world of difference, the project starts making sense.
I was struggling to decide on a candle colour and dithering about lighting effects at this stage. Your classic ‘frightened of the airbrush ‘ syndrome.
I started doing some weathering powders and they really lifted the pieces, with hindsight, maybe a bit more drybrushing or possible revisit some areas with my pan pastels, who knows.
Not every egg is a bird
I bought some extremely cheap pillars for cakes, but primer would just not take to these. I bought some twine with leaves in it, a bit bulky for purpose but I gave it a go.
The twine was dipped in paverpol, a fabric hardener, it’s messy stuff and not really practical for terrain making but it’s a really nice colour when it dries.
These didn’t make the final cut, but you have to try these things on your terrain building journeys.
This was the first time I had used sculptamold looked easy enough on the Youtubes, but not quite so much in practice. I made it too running and it took an eternity to dry , this was frustrating as I wanted to get a base coat down.
Overall I was pleased with the results, they certainly didn’t look anything like terrain I had made before.
A big theme of Idols of Torment is the candles that light up when the players monstrous minions arrive on the game board. This would require me to pluck up the courage to use my airbrush for some lighting effects.
I 3d printed the candles in a kind of slab, they’re ok, but I ended up buying some nicer ones as well.
Putting things together
So, with bases completed, some foam cut into regular shapes ,statuettes primed, it was time to start hot glueing things together, not every piece pictured made the final cut.
Pyramid Schemes
This was something of a haul, I got around 30 odd Egyptian statues for around 12 quid. They were a really good size to work with and were already black, which was a relief as I was burning through black rattlecans like @Sundancer gets through brown lemonade on a livestream.
I plan to use the left over statues in a Pulp/7TV setting. I have one of those Grinning Gargoyles temple sets and they will work pretty well with that.
It just keeps coming
This project contain a lot of first goes at things, never used hot glue, xps (apart from some rocks) or a 3D pen. It was exciting and daunting. The 3D pen was a bust, mostly because you get what you pay for. I have an artist friend who does some amazing stuff with 3d pens. His will have cost about five times what mine did, but I imagine it’s a lot more reliable to use. It’s a technique I do want to explore one day as I rarely ,if ever see it employed in terrain making.
more and more pieces started to filter through from ebay, there wasn’t really a plan, well ,unless you count buying lots of pre-made features to get around my lacking xps sculpting skills.
I needed to find random things to make an eclectic and weird landscape, to off to fleabay I went looking for quasi religious statues and other bits and bobs, with the intention of spraying everything black like a 15 year old metal kid \m/.
In addition to the statuettes I found some printed pillars , these were on next day delivery and I was keen to have something to go at. The rest of the orders would arrive in dribs and drabs
Where to start?
I had always been a fan of Jeremy from Black Magic Crafts creations, seems like a genuine and talented guy. So when he announced his game I was really hooked into the concept and setting.
Heaven and Hell collapsed into each other conjured images of otherworldly devastation and tarnished statues. I wanted to do something different with the ground, so I went back to my art dabbler days and broke out the Yupo paper and alcohol ink.
Alcohol ink is great for interesting shapes and bright colours , but you could do dark and moody stuff to play with. With alcohol ink avoid the cheap chinese ones as they are absolute garbage on yupo paper, they’re better with resin mold stuff. Tim Scholtz is your guy.