Space. The Final Frontier. Painting Star Trek: Away Missions
Recommendations: 308
About the Project
A Star Trek: Away Missions painting and playing log
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Progress update.
I hadn’t really realised how much black, grey and silver features in the costumes of Star Trek Aliens. Everything is so bright in Star Trek that I guess I hadn’t really twigged until I started painting these. I’m keen to do things with details and basing to give them some more interest and variation.
Work on more teams
Over a primer of GW Grey Seer spray, here I’ve started blocking in some basic colours using GW Contrast paints. Colours used so far are basic – Black Templar for trousers/coat. Guilliman Flesh and Medium for Romulan skin. Cygor Brown and Guilliman Flesh and Medium for Klingon skin.
The complete box
So this is now the completed starter box of Star Trek: Away Missions. I do like the window in the box now the miniatures are all painted.
This picture also shows the additional Klingon (red) and Romulan (green) dice packs I picked up.
Locutus of Borg
These are the team I’ve enjoyed painting the most. Almost entirely contrast blacks, greys and working up flesh tones/red glazes on the skin. They have a real sense of menace to them despite the cartoony sculpts.
The bases were painted black and then given a few really thin washes of green and yellow to settle as a glow effect. Worked quite well.
New pictures of Riker’s Away Team
I’ve got some new black background pictures of Riker’s Away Team taken. Enjoy!
A look at the Borg
I haven’t got to taking decent pictures of these yet, but as a teaser – here’s a view of the Borg…
Riker’s Away Team
And here’s the group all finished. Really pleased with how they came out.
These have honestly been some of the most fun and enjoyable miniatures l’ve ever painted.
Strong clear details that take paint really well, faces you can add character to (and properly paint the eyes!).
In progress
Ha! I failed to take any useful in-progress pictures, but here’s one of Riker’s Away Team nearing completion.
Starter set miniatures
The starter set Battle of Wolf 359 contains two teams: Riker’s Away Team of the Federation, and Locutus’s Unimatrix of the Borg.
Rikers Away Team consists of Commander Riker, Mr Data, Lieutenant Commander Shelby and Lieutenant Worf.
Locutus’s Unimatrix consists of Locutus and One, Two, Three, Four and Five of Five respectively.
What is Away Missions?
In Star Trek: Away Missions, players will lead their own landing parties to complete missions, conduct espionage, fight in glorious battle, or assimilate distinctiveness. The objective is to score points by completing missions over the three rounds. Each completed mission earns you points. Score the most points to win the game!
As a bit of a Trekkie, and increasingly a fan of smaller, skirmish style games- this game had appeal from the start. I know the miniatures have had quite a marmite reaction from many gamers – but I thought they looked really fun.