Secret Satan 2023
Recommendations: 140
About the Project
It is Secret Satan time! Things will be added
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Humour
This Project is Completed
2023-10-07 Babysteps!
Primed minis, spackle on the CD and decorative sand used for “snow”. Also the base is now sealed. Wooden bases on the CD are the “place your mini here” placeholder.
2023-10-08 Seeing red
Since this will be for Secret Satan and i want them to look like “Satan Clause” they need red armour.
Also I’m planning on using snow flock on the shoulder trims to make it look like fluffy coat but I’m undecided on how to do that and what glue to use. Gel super clue and a tooth pick? PVA? Uhu?
2023-10-09 getting into the festive mood... kind of.
Blue, yellow, green, purple, darker green, skin and bone colour…
I need more colours!
2023-10-11 Swing and a miss
So today was one of *those* days. Sitting here for almost 2 hours staring at the models and not getting into the hobby mood what so ever.
No spark, no idea and no energy. I hate these kind of days.
But, since this is going to be a gift and I’LL BE DAMNED IF I DON’T FINISH THEM I pushed myself to do even a little.
Added a bit of red and bone on parts I missed last time and went to town with Citadel Boltgun Metal and Vallejo Game Colour Glorious Gold. While doing that I found more spots I missed with different colours last time so I will have to do some cleaning up at some point later.
Also I’m drawing a blank on how to paint the guns. Ordinary metallic? Bright blue and black parts? Will sleep on that for the time being.
Well, here is some progress:
2023-10-16 DIY tree
So this is a thing I wanted to try for a long time. Get a bottle cleaning brush and make a tree from it.
It does work. Kind of. Sort of.
Cutting the top bendy part was a struggle as the wire was more sturdy than I thought. Also I didn’t take into account that the bristles will fall out if you bend it to much.
While that is drying some more details on Satans little helpers.
2023-10-22 I see trees of green
First of: Sorry to Gerry for not supplying more distraction from all the terrain.
Second: It’s a tree. So it’s terrain again. Sorry.
Since my airbrush and I no longer speak with each other I mixed some craft paint acrylics, PVA and water and slapped it all over the brown dead tree. Doesn’t look to shabby right now and I hope the paint doesn’t pool or pull back too much while drying. Somehow the whole thing looks natural even if not real if that makes any sense.
2023-10-23 More green and some snow
So the green from yesterday pulled back a bit and darkened a lot.
So I used a brighter green and slobbered it all over the tree again
Also what’s a Christmas tree in the snow without parcels and a snowman. Currently WIP with air drying clay.
2023-10-25 Let it snow!
I could have used baking soda but I used Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (stuff that makes other stuff foamy) instead.
Why? Because I have a big bag of it. (Leftover chemicals my wife used when making her own soap)
Pro: I have a lot of it
Con: I reacts to moisture and makes foam.
Let’s see how this ends!
2023-10-27 Blood for the Blood God!
Before doing anything more blood needed to be spilled donated.
With that out of the way let’s glue on the snow cubes and the snow man!
2023-10-28 Home stretch
Now for the final touches. I forgot to take in progress pictures but it’s basically “Apply some PVA on the top and sprinkle with baking soda.”
After that, use some gel superglue to glue the tree into place. Also add some soda to the base so that excess glue creates an extra strong bond.
All that needs to be done now is wait for everything to dry and then seal it with varnish. Notice how the SLSA looks like slightly molten snow. The effect is better than I hoped!
Done and dusted! Now to pack it and ship it!