Epic terrain!
Recommendations: 22
About the Project
Build something “Epic”? Challenge accepted! Pretend that it’s really for the multi award winning Moonstone by claiming they’re fighting in a ruined model village thing? ….definitely!
Related Game: Moonstone
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Active
A thing happened!
So I made this behemoth. Plan to base it all pretty like with plasticard steps and some columns etc like the ruins but…intact. But I feel that might be a spring clean kinda thing. I have a bunch of Titanicus knights to finish up…hmmm ? I sense a future project!
The end?
The end? Probably not…but is it good enough to be ‘finished’ for now?…yep! That’ll do.
Big fan these days of ‘finished is better than perfect’. This terrain has been sat in a box in my loft for 20 years or so and it feels good to get it useful. Too small to be much use in Adeptus Titanicus but perfect for the elusive Legions Imperialis (if it ever bloody shows up!). This project was an adventure into trying new methods. I’d never used enamel washes or oil droppers before and I like what they do. Also first time with weathering powders, although it did at some times look like a cocaine bear had rampaged through my hobby area!
The bonus bit!
The painting bit!
So the 6 terrain pieces have received multiple layers of rubble and watered down PVA.
An undercoat of Halfords black and a cheeky zenithal highlight with Halfords grey. Followed by airbrushing some pale blue grey from vallejo on the ruins. Then back to Halfords for a coat of clear varnish to seal everything. Thinking that will help with some oil/enamel washes and just generally help with longevity.