Autumn Terrain Spring Clean
Recommendations: 118
About the Project
I've begun a lot of terrain, I've completed little. Here I'll pick up some of the batches I've started and finish them. I'll pick up the nearest things and finish them. Let's see how many I can do in the time.
Related Genre: General
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Active
Scary Trees ... and a Wholesome Tree
Next up I’ve done a few trees. First up a couple of scary ones.
And one that’s a little more wholesome.
October Results
That’s your lot for the October challenge. I’ll keep this going, though. It’s good to have a clear up and I’m well chuffed with the amount I’ve finished off.
Cottage and Barn
Two more pieces from Apocalypse Miniatures. They’re ruddy lovely and not too shabby a paintjob if I do say so myself.
These are hefty pieces, about 500g each. They have a nice level of detail but not so much it takes ages to paint them (despite my taking ages to paint them).
I could’ve gone into heavy weathering, especially with the cottage, but the purpose here is to finish stuff off. I can always go back and dirty them up further if the mood takes me.
Next up: two more
A couple more buildings from Apocalypse Miniatures.
This will very likely take me into next month. I’ve decided I’ll keep going. I can wrap up a good deal more than I’ve done in October. Onwards!
Ruined Cottage
This is from an Apocalypse Miniatures Kickstarter back in … who knows when? I have (I think) six buildings, this one finished, maybe three unstarted and the next two for this project.
Scatter pieces
Three scatter pieces I’d picked up an age ago. The cart is from Alternative Armies, while the two sets of barrels are from Crooked Dice. All really nice pieces that deserved better than years of gathering dust.
As I’d guessed in the first project entry these were near finished. I just needed to finish lining the barrels, a bit of a drybrush and I repainted the tarpaulin on the cart a lighter colour.
Figures for scale, part of the Spanish team for Silver Bayonet from North Star.
While the scatter dries ...
The scatter terrain was delayed by a somewhat agricultural application of matt varnish. While that dries, here’s the next off the list: a ruin from an Apocalypse Miniatures from ages ago.
It’s a good start, and shouldn’t be too much work to get it wrapped up. I have a couple more of these that are WIP and maybe three more not even started.
Some walls
Halfway through the month and here’s the first finished task. Some walls from Renedra.
I used two main colours: Grey Green (or possibly Green Grey) and Stone Grey, both from model colour. Some drybrushes and glazes later the too-stark colour difference is toned down – eliminated in some pieces. Some glazes of Coal Black (P3) gave them a bit of a mossy feel. Basing from Geek Gaming and they’ll do.
The big takeaway here was I can do an adequate job while drinking. “Glazing” above might be overegging it, slopping on was perhaps more to the point.
Terrain-o-rama humble beginnings. Oh so humble
Looking around my hobby space I have high ambitions with terrain but perhaps not matched with … any sign of completing stuff. I’ll see what I can do to knock some of this off.
Here we see two extremes of my incomplete terrain: assembled and slightly gap-fillled (the walls) and almost finished (the scatter – this is from years ago and evidently I got tired doing the panel lines on the barrels).
Let’s see what I can bash out in the time permitted.