It’s time to Ruuumble!
Recommendations: 13
About the Project
Every year me and a few friends dust off Rumbleslam and play a Royal Rumble scenario we created using the Rumbleslam rules. As it’s become a suitably ‘epic’ event I decided it needed a suitably ’epic’ arena to fight in!
Related Game: Rumbleslam
Related Company: TTCombat
Related Genre: Sports
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Active
Build it and they will come!
The plan is simple. Take some blue foam and turn it into a fantasy Wrestling ring.
I managed to find a 2ft square, 2 in deep piece of high density foam online and chopped it down to size.

Then, using a rolled up piece of tin foil I rolled it acrosss the surfaces to create some texture. Then, using an off cut I made four columns to use as ring posts.
Next I needed to create the ropes. Having previously had a go at making the official HDF kit and using string for the ropes I decided against doing that again. Turns out it’s not only boats that are a pain to rig!
I did think of using chain but as the ring posts are foam I wasn’t convinced tha t running holes though them would be the best thing structurally.
I decided in the end to use dowels as they would be more robust and more likely to support the posts than damage them.
I gave them a white prime and painted them with the excellent Warcolor One Coat range.
Once they were done I created a basic basing mix of Modge podge, sand and black Acrylic paint, splashed it all over and left it to dry for 24 hrs.
then I hit it with a grey rattle can and drybrushed with some Brainmatter Beige (had to!) and some pure white.
Then it was all down to assembly. Using cocktail sticks and PVA I attached the ring posts and measured where the ropes need to go and made some holes for the to slot into. After some light swearing and clamping into position I left it to dry.
Now at this point I wanted to revisit a gameplay point that we’ve wanted to add for a while which was space to play outside the ring.
After a rummage around Hobbcraft I found a large sheet of Black foam board.
using the existing measurements I made it so that I could add a depth of four squares around the ring.
Whilst in hobby craft I also picked up a white paint pen to mark out the squares.
As I thought gridding up the whole board might end up being quite jarring I settled on marking crosses on the corners only.