TerrainFest Tower! (that’s been gathering dust for too long)
Recommendations: 18
About the Project
This Tower has been sitting around, unused for too long. A great bit of scenery from the fantastic Fogou!!!! https://www.fogoumodels.co.uk/product-page/stackable-shack-tower-b
Related Game: Deadzone
Related Company: Fogou Models
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2023
This Project is Active
I got this finished up tonight.
Really happy with how this has turned out.
A few pictures below of individual shacks and the tower as a whole.
A bit of information on how I painted these up.
I undercoated everything with a Leadblecher spray.
Next to be applied was some chipping medium.
The corrugated sheets I painted with a Wolf grey, Bonewhite and scarlet red.
The metal plates were done in a necromancer grey.
I then wet the outer layer of paint to activate the chipping medium. I worked some of the outer layer off with a stiff brush.
I liberally applied orange rust with a dappling effect and some with dry brush.
Graffiti was just painted on with a brush and green ink used on some of it.
I used some Agrax earthshade to dirty things up a bit 🙂
I love Graffiti, this part of the project was most enjoyable.
Based on a few bits of Graffiti I’ve seen in the wild, Graffiti some OTTers have seen and even a crude attempt at a Banksy!
Sometimes you get things wrong
Although my first shack doesn’t look too bad, I don’t think it looks quite right.
As the title of this entry suggests, this happens sometimes (more often than you think)
Things that I don’t like are, it looks too patchwork-ey. The rust isn’t quite right on the lighter panels and the chipping has not worked as I thought it would.
- Going forward I’ve taken it down to 3 colours on each shack, leaving out the dark red.
- The rust, I’m going to think on, maybe an even dryer dry brush is required.
- The chipping medium was perhaps applied a little thickly and perhaps needs activating soon after applying an overlayer.
Lets see if things can be improved!!
Sooooo –
I think they defiantly look better with 3 colours only.
I’m going to leave the one that I did with red as it is as I don’t think it looks over the top in the middle of the tower.
The chipping, I am really happy with this time. Adding less medium worked and also activating it with a fresh top layer helped too.
Some rusting and weathering to do tonight 🙂
Starting the first shack
The idea is that I will paint these shacks up in the most battered and dilapidated way possible.
Wether this is right or wrong, I try and paint something up in the way that would be layered irl.
By this I mean that I undercoated with Leadblecher spray the colour the metal sheets would have started then I added paint, rust, etc… in the order it would have been “added” in real life.
I did use a chipping medium after the undercoat but I really do get mixed results with this stuff.
A few pics below of progress.
Fogou tower
A while back I backed a Kickstarter from the fantastic Fogou models or Fogouuuuu! to those in the know.
The kickstarter was for stackable shacks that could be used as well, shacks or built into an amazingly ramshackle tower.
This terrain has been sitting gathering dust for over a year now and, I thought Terrainfest would be a great time to get it painted up.