Elessar2590 TerrainFest 2024
Recommendations: 57
About the Project
I have several terrain projects in mind, some Dunland Hovels, some Epic Battles Pike and Shotte Terrain and some other bits and pieces I have lying around.
Related Genre: General
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2024
This Project is Active
The Buildings: Part One

The Tool and Painting

Making Dunland Hovels
I have wanted to make these ever since I first saw them in the fantastic Battle Games in Middle Earth Magazine (Issue 67). They are made from Foam board, MDF, toothpicks, tissues, PVA glue and spackle.
You can replace the Spackle with sand for a similar effect.
Unfortunately I lost most of my WIP pictures due to a PC issue and haven’t had a stable internet connection for about a month so it’s a little late but here goes.

Making a Bog Advanced
Why I split this the way I did
This Project will be split between basic and advanced tutorials.
I’m not a pro but it can be daunting to pick up a project when you see complicated techniques or specialised paints/equipment and I want to make it as accessible to people as possible.
Also some people want to make terrain that looks good but doesn’t take all day or a dozen types of grass to make.
Because of this I want to make terrain building as low stress and low prep an activity as possible. Since the dawn of time wargaming tables have been sparse and I think a lot of that has to do with people’s perception of how hard it is to make terrain when it’s really dead easy.

There you go, some simple scatter terrain made from basing supplies you already have laying around and some dirt cheap MDF. Let me know if you have any tips or if you try it yourself link your Project down in the comments so that I can check it out.
Making a Bog Basics