legions imperialis board
Recommendations: 72
About the Project
I'm going to steal Warren's idea here and do a board for legions imperialis. I am going to start with some 3D printed tiles and then add some buildings from GW.
Related Game: Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2024
This Project is Active
End of Terrainfest update
As terrainfest ended a couple of days ago I thought I would setup a small section of the board and put my Imperial Fists down (the titans seem to have gone AWOL at the moment). I will continue on with this to finish the project but mostly I have the ruined buildings and the industrial sections to finish.
Sample Building
The building was painted using the same colours used on the tiles and then the doors and windows picked out with metallics and then given a brown wash.
More board layout shots
Here are some more close up shots of the buildings. Now I just have to paint then things
After a sometime with the hobby funk I’m finally back into this. I’ve started adding the magnets and have used the tools above to help me keep the orientation correct. These were 3D printed from this design:
The different colours are for the different magnet orientation and they have been very useful so far.
I have also been busy making and printing various buildings and below is sample layout. More on that soon.
My first attempt at some weathering was to use a grey weathering powder and then seal it with some matt varnish. I tried to go heavy with the powder but unless it was in the cracks it seem to largely disappear when varnished.
The next effort was to give the tiles a drybrush using grey paint. I am not sure it make a lot of difference as the side by side below shows but it does tone down the blue roads a bit.
I assembled a section to see what it looks like and now it time for a lot of magnets, 2 per side although it could take 4 per side.
The Roads
These were all applied with a sponge again, dabbed on.
The foundations
For this I’m using tubes of acrylic paint and dabbing it on with a sponge
The end of procrastination
These tiles are from Terraforma Epicminium on Dragon’s Rest
There are 28 different tile designs and there are also half tiles cut on the diagonal so you can change the orientation of the roads. I wanted a 5×4 board out of these so as the tiles are 6 inches square I was going to need at least 80. I have printed 3 of each design and enough half tiles to edge the board, I may need some more of different designs to make the board make sense but for now that is it.
Once the printing was done that was the easy bit now I need to paint them. After putting this off for quite a while I have finally settled on a colour scheme for the tiles.
The painted tiles in the above are from an earlier attempt at this when I printed half a dozen tiles and painted them using GW’s paints. It quickly become apparent that once I had printed off all the tiles it was going to take a lot of paint to cover them.
So I have settled on a sandstone type finish for the foundations and dark blue for the road.