Old-school 40k Ork village
Recommendations: 113
About the Project
I'll be making some Ork buildings inspired by the classic 90s adobe style ones, as terrain to play 2nd Edition 40k on.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2024
This Project is Active
Scatter terrain
I’ve finished painting up some pieces of scatter terrain to go with the larger buildings. This is all from Fogou Models, so cast rather than 3d-printed – I really like the varied look and little details 🙂
As usual this is just very basic ink washes and drybrushing, but works well due to the mix of objects. I do worry I’ll have forgotten how to paint normal minis after all this terrain!
Painting the third building
It took me quite a while to paint this one up (might be a bit too big!):
Here’s a good pic of the interior layout, showing two garage doors, the split-level and internal stairs / external ladder up (also the little door under the stairs where I imagine the Gretchin helpers live):
Roof and inside of the tower room, with stairs to tower roof. Storage tank is from the Necromunda Stronghold kit, with the legs cut down a little. The roof is actually bigger than the Renedra flooring, so I’ve joined several pieces together with plasticard struts:
Mekboys construct and maintain a vast array of Ork technology, so require a great variety of tools; be this a small hammer, large hammer, or larger hammer (note: wrench is for stirring squig-tea, but can be used as a hammer in a pinch):
The tower staircase left quite a large blank space on the walls which I thought would be good for some Orky billboards. I printed these using decal paper on my crummy inkjet – not great quality, but they do the job. Just make sure to spray with clearcoat before using, so the ink is sealed and wont wipe off!:
The ‘Bad Year’ tyre one is a reference to the classic metal Rogue Trader Warbuggy sculpt by Kev Adams, which has ‘Bad Year’ sculpted on the rear tyres ^__^
Building the third building
For the third building the plan was to do something slightly bigger, with a small tower in one corner. As I was building it I decided to make it a mek workshop, with a drive-through garage area. Here’s the basic foamboard construction built around the flooring:
Here’s what it looks like once the plasticard and other bits are added:
With the roof and short tower, it’s quite a large building! I did want to put the storage tank on the tower, but there wasnt quite enough room if I also wanted space for figures up there (I dont really plan ahead on these builds!):
For some of the more complex elements like the external stairs, I fibd it helpful to plan out the dimensions on a post-it note:
Second building finished
I’ve just finished the 2nd building – largely the same as the 1st one, just with a slightly different layout (this one has a little covered driveway – for da buggy!), and nicely colourful pattern on it. These seem to be taking me two weeks each, which isn’t too bad.
As you can see from the Orks dotted around, the buildings are larger than they really should be, but I think this is necessary so that it doesnt get fiddly moving figures inside them, and so they provide decent LOS blocking. Ceilings also need to be quite high in order to accomodate the banners which are so common in 2nd Edition!
Shot of the very basic insides, also showing the lovely little resin lean-to storage from Fogou Models:
The third building will be of a similar size, but with a small tower on it. I also want to do some scatter terrain.
Catching up on the first building
Actually started this project early November, so I’ve already got the first building done. Here’s a pic with construction complete:
Basic construction is foamcore with some styrene I-beams for the doors and windows. I’ve cheated quite a lot by using various plastics – the corners & chimney are from Warlord’s Ruined Hamlet terrain, the wooden facade is from Deadmans Hand boardwalks, & the wooden flooring/doors are from Renedra. Also made use of some resin greebles from Fogou Models. Time to add some wall texture!
Goopy! This is slightly watered-down PVA mixed with spare flock I wasnt going to use. In retrospect I should have gone with finer texture in this mix, as the classic adobe buildings in White Dwarf are no-where near as rough as this, but I’m already off reservation with the dressed-stone corners and chimneys – oh well, it is what it is.
Basic wall colours down – I went with Bleached Bone, Seraphim Sepia, Bleached Bone drybrush. It’s at this point I’m regretting everything about it, but just have to push through XD
A bunch more dry-brushing and washes, and it’s done! Also added some bars in the windows made of wooden match-sticks, so unscrupulous players dont try jumping their minis through them!
I’m not quite convinced it’s an Ork shack, but the geometric patterns on the roof fascia do give a lot to the look I think.
I’ve made sure to make this as playable as possible, with removable roof, two entrances, and two ways up to the roof.
Quite pleased with the wet mud at the entrances – just gloss varnish, but I’ll have to remember to use it elsewhere.
Currently finishing off building number two – similar size but slightly different layout, and red/yellow dags instead of chequers 🙂