The Project Project
Recommendations: 31
About the Project
A hobby log to track the year of The Project Project. Trying to break my habit of leaving projects half finished in my wake... can this old dog teach itself a new trick?
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January Project - TMNT Part 2
Continuing to enjoy my week off, I painted up the rest of the baddies. It struck me part way through that animators must pick colours similarly to hobbyists – pretty much all the models used paints I already had on the palette. Krang was horrible to paint (mostly cos it’s just gross) but getting all of them done to tabletop standard for a game is the point of this project. Done, not perfect.
January Project – TMNT Part 1
So the first set of minis I’m working on this year don’t have their own project log on the site but there was always an intention that they would. I’ve had the Brother Vinni Mutant Turtles ( for a while and the intention of playing them in Pulp Alley 2nd edition. That means painting up the minis, working on some terrain and learning the rules… let’s aim for a month turn around shall we?
The Minis:
I try to take a week’s holiday in January as we don’t close over Christmas except the public holidays. One of the benefits of taking time off after everyone else has gone back to work is you don’t need to come up with lame excuses for staying home and painting toys. Here’s what I’ve got to work on this week then:
Good guys – all four turtles, Splinter, April and Casey Jones
Bad guys – Shredder, Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady, and 9 Foot Clan (3 each of pistol, katana and bo staff)
So 20 in total. Obviously the least fun ones to paint are going to be the foot clan so that’s where I started.
Paints used:
- Cloth
- GW Contrast Black Legion, highlighted with Warpaint Fanatics Deep Grey
- Vallejo Royal purple, highlighted with Warpaint Fanatics Alien Purple
- Wood Warpaint Fanatics Oak Brown
- Skin Warpaint Fanatics Barbarian Flesh
- Eyes Warpaint Fanatics Daemonic Yellow
- Foot logo Warpaint Fanatics Pure Red
- Metallics GW Leadbelcher
- Pouches on rear of models Warpaint Fanatics Desert Yellow
- All over wash with Marine Juice. This is a wash made up from different products that I have multiple bottles of. Originally it was one bottle each of Nuln Oil, Reikland Fleshshade and Lahmian Medium. The products have changed over the last few years so the newer version that I’ll have to switch to eventually is found here
Finishing what I’ve started
3. Finish projects. I have a swathe of unfinished projects in my wake this year and I don’t feel great about it. The projects I have finished (or got to defined break points) feel really good. So in 2025 I’d like more of the latter feelings and fewer of the former. [From the last post in my 2024 Hobby Log here on the site.]
It’s not unusual for people in our hobby to have a mountain of unfinished (or bought but never started) projects. In fact, it’s probably the norm. It annoys me about myself though.
Just on this project system I have (across two profiles) 40 something projects. Only 11 of them are completed. I have no problems leaving projects behind that I’m not interested in any more, I have limited space and so things get sold or given away if they don’t generate excitement. There are 7 projects that have been straight up cancelled and won’t be coming back. For this project, I’m talking here about the projects I still want to get to at some point.
The plan then is simple; amongst all the current things I’m working on, pick out older projects and finish them. Easy said, easy done?