Necrons of DOOM!
Recommendations: 161
About the Project
A commission that I thought would be fun! Necrons for a super-competitive gamer who doesn’t like to paint.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Final five of batch, attempt 3 to publish. 🤬
And just like that, the final five characters of the first batch are done! Swapping batches probably in a week, so I get a week to paint anything I want.
The C’Tan
The largest of the single character figures, the C’Tan.
This was my first time painting GW’s “Finecast”, and I hope it will be my last. The scythe felt like it was both too bendy but might break anytime. Lots of little miscasts on the figure. I did my best.
Szarekh the Silent (but deadly!) King - completed
Spent most of the week painting Sarekh, the Silent King. Luckily it was in sub-assemblies, which allowed me to get more detail on the model as a whole.
Just six characters left to go in Necrons of DOOM! (batch one).
Szarekh the Silent King
Work in progress for the massive kit, a named character in the Necron world.
Szarekh the Silent King – throne and side pieces; there are three characters that will stand on this when done.
Canoptek Reanimator and TWO Destroyers!
The last of the non-character models; a Canoptek Reanimator (the smaller model), and two Canoptek Destroyers.
These were a lot of fun to paint, and are cool models to boot.
A Wraith to the finish… or a few …
Almost done the first batch. Cairn Wraiths, some of the coolest Necron models were this week’s project.
Usual base colours, plus some added highlights of AK Brass for the bronze; 2:1 AK Dark Platinum / AK Emerald Metallic for the green; and GW Contrast Hexwraith Green for the bright green-yellow, followed by a highlight of the AK Luminous Green Yellow.
The army so far!
Finished the Monolith, and the cohesiveness of the army is coming out now.
The Monolith!
Sing along!
Well, sir, there’s nothing on earth
Like a genuine, bona fide
Electrified, sixteen centimetre monolith
What’d I say?
What’s it called?
That’s right! Monolith
Well, here’s the start to the Monolith. It was partially painted when I picked it out of the box.
So, an airbrushed primer of Vallejo Panzer Grey, followed by AK Bronze, and AK Astral Beryllium were applied.
Next, I airbrushed GW Contrast Magos Purple and Snakebite Leather. The guns and some areas were hand painted with AK Oily Steel, followed by GW Aeldari Emerald.
And that’s where the Monolith waits while it all dries before details are tackled next!
The last of us but we’ll be back…
The last of the first 60 infantry types for the project!
Shields were highlighted using 2:1 mix of AK Dark Aluminium to AK Emerald Metallic.
The Flayed Ones
These were some kind of conversion job, not done by me, with a greenstuff like meat draping over Necron warriors, and an unknown source of blade-hands.
I used AK green-white (almost like a pallid flesh) and then GW Contrast Guilliman Flesh for the meat suits.
Not unhappy with the end result, if a bit crude.
Another unit finished!
This is the second-to-last of the current infantry units to finish; one more and I’ll be on to larger models! The slog is nearly over!
Another unit, and a 1/2 unit done.
The infantry for this batch are nearing the completion line, more than 2/3 done now! Then on to characters and big things. So far, a fun project, and I get to use some cool colours!
Completed Ark!
Spent the morning finishing the Ark. The base was not supplied, so it’s on its own.
Added highlights of AK Brass to the bronze, and a few more pops of the AK luminous green for the orbs.
The first ark (part one)
And here is the first part of the first ark! Followed the same concept as the 20 warriors completed:
– AK Astral Beryllium for “skeleton” and inside parts of the vehicle
– AK Bronze for the armour and vanes, along with main external chassis
– AK Oily Steel for weapons, and areas that will end up with the AK Luminous Green later.
Necrons are implacable …
The second unit to be done; next up will be some kind of ark vehicle!
From a box of stuff to a unit finished
So I took on a commission project, client is an ultra-competitive gamer who doesn’t paint. He brought over the first batch, which was in the two boxes in the first picture.
From there, I pulled out and primed the first unit, a group of 10 Necron Warriors. Simple paint and base, and done, for a start. Now I have my colour scheme for the army!
Colours used:
– Vallejo Black primer
– AK Astral Beryllium endo-skeleton
– GW Contrast Magos Purple – over skeleton
– AK Bronze armour
– GW Contrast Snakebite Leather over armour
– AK Oily Steel – gun
– GW Contrast Aeldari Emerald over weapon
– AK Luminous Green – eyes, weapon bits
– GW Wraithbone – ash waste base