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War of the Rohirrim – Assemble, Paint, play in a Month

War of the Rohirrim – Assemble, Paint, play in a Month

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Project Blog by thedace Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 30

About the Project

Having acquired the the Middle earth Strategy Battle game starter set "War of the Rohirrim" over the Christmas period, I am very keen to get a game in. I'm setting myself this project / challenge - Assemble the Rohan side of the box set, Assemble the included buildings, Paint all Rohan minis (troops to a tabletop standard and heroes a bit better), Learn the rules Play at least 1 game, BONUS paint the buildings if I get chance. I'm giving myself until the end of January for this :)

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Did I say a month?

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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So yeah, a bit behind but i have now finished my Warriors of Rohan.


Done to, I think, a reasonable tabletop standard.

I’m hoping to have the houses put together by the end of this week 😀


Link to a video of the Warriors Link to a video of the Warriors
Rohan WarriorsRohan Warriors
Lloyd ShotLloyd Shot

Lots more progress

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 4
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The troops are really coming along. Bases are prepared and flocked with possibly the worst grass I’ve ever used, so I might have to revisit them.

Chainmail and helmets are done with some army painter gunmetal as are the swords and weapon tips.

All shoes and quivers are done in an instants light brown (I can’t remember the name)

Arrow fletching are a speed paint red to stand out a bit more.

Hair is an instant Paints Ogre Brown

Leather is Instant paint Endurance brown.

Shields are again Zucchini green with a Bright Bronze middle.

I’ve also painted some cloth with an Instant paint “love affair red”

Tonight, I think I will attempt some of the leather armour 😀

Hopefully I can have these finished by the end of the week.

Rohan Warriors WiPRohan Warriors WiP

Base coat and cloaks

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7

So, We start here.

I primed all of my Rohan warriors with Chaos black followed by Seer grey on raised areas.

I’m not normally a fan of batch painting but it is undeniably quicker.

All cloaks were painted with the Scalecolor instants Zucchini green x2 coats.

Rohan Warrior cloaksRohan Warrior cloaks

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