Rebels diorama
Recommendations: 89
About the Project
Charity shops come with plenty of inspirations. I bought box of airfix bridge in good scale for dust game. In side I found nothing that supposed to be in side. For example sprues with British and Germans in 1:32? Scale. For some time I was interested in Star wars legion but with recent update on new rules this in on hold for me. But having this unexpected models gave me idea to build diorama. I am planning to have beach landing in roge one style.
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
This looks like industrial pipes but I want it to maybe be exposed, cut bit out an have wires in.
I also want to have console next to it.
This is imperial network with important data so it’s more like ethernet more than WiFi and it’d disguised as gas pipes. Rebels are here to break in to console to steal data. I may drag some wires to the ship too.
Back wall build.
Plastic card purchased. Windows fixed ( I hope) today was a good day.
Only after I got plasticard and started bending it in to shape and gluing it with a bit of difficulty I realised I could do it faster and cheaper using yougurt pots.
Body of the ship is done.. I have idea for a bit more of narrative . Rebels team have extracted something that was the goal of the mission and now trying to escape . Unfortunately now they are facing imperial chase.
Glueing bit by bit.
I found using phone I s much easier to upload and to reduce size of pictures I am using one I upload on WhatsApp but when I looked on project page on pc turns out that pictures are huge! Just poor resolution.
Anyone have any simple and good advice for none tech experienced person that don’t want to waste time?
Quick painting session
My second attempt to type it. Fingers crossed.
This was a mixture of techniques. My goal was to paint it quick in one day but make it look decent. After heavy dry brush ibused inks and washes first to paint it quickly and have general vibe. I wanted to make them look unique like rag tag, bits and bobs gathered together to create some sort of military uniforms that person created from own budget. I have limited number of inks and washes in browns, greens and beige -ish and I wanted to avoid repetitions. Next step was filling all remaining unpainted parts of uniforms with water down air range paints to wet blending when speed painting wasn’t what I was looking for. I knew I will still return to to them when I will have permanent decision on diorama set up. Dusting and varnish and maybe some light source.
And yes Sundancer you guessed correctly on your stream on twitch I was going for fallout look. I didn’t thought it was that obvious without paint bu hey. Great if I don’t have to explain it. You get golden button from me for that !
Here I am playing with the set up and general story I want to tell.
Story so far is
It’s some special force landing on beach/ jungle in star wars empire times. Something went wrong and instead SAS style suddenly there is a full on battle. It may be a trap situation that they are trying to burst trough or crash landing and they are trying to set up premier still with the goal of the mission in mind. Mission would be typical gorilla fighters take like blow something up or steal something.
Im just back from craft shop so next step is work on space ship. Unfortunately we have storms in UK and turns out windows in my kids bedrooms haven’t been built / installed properly by previous owner and we have leaks. This will have to take priority for next few days.
I hope I can come back to this project before I’m back to work on Saturday.
I run out of plastic.
Few more details
Shape is made of polystyrene to reduce weight. I need to cover all of it with plasticard. I’m using wood glue to have firm grip. After that I am adding griblings. Troops are shaped. Now I need to fill all gaps and add some green stuff to divers them a bit. Mostly adding some clothes.
Base – I will aim for beach with a bit of rocks and couple palm trees.
Background - space ship
As I mentioned before ( I think) as background, I want to have spaceship that rebels boarding from. I don't want a simple boarding party like it was in later faze on Skarif. I want to portrait first units with dedicated task that something goes wrong. Or commando unit that has been spotted and they heading to dedicated tasks anyway and securing premier.
No plans - let see what happens
So my idea is to have back wall as part of space ship. Good mix of alien races not just humans. Every model needs to tell some story and you can imagine why they stand or do something in way they do. Action packed.