![[FoW] 21. Panzerdivision Normandy](https://images.beastsofwar.com/2025/01/69455684-Screenshot_20250119_194904_Amazon-Shopping-999.jpg)
[FoW] 21. Panzerdivision Normandy
Recommendations: 54
About the Project
Here I will Post progress on my current Flames of War project. The 21st Panzerdivision in Normandy 1944.
Related Game: Flames of War: The World War II Miniatures Game
Related Company: Battlefront Miniatures
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
Panzergrenadierplatoon done
The plastic Panzergrenadiers are finished. They will clash a bit with the ones I already own but I have no clue how I did the bases on the ones I did 10 years ago.
So I decided to build and paint the plastik infantry from the army deal. I already have a full infantry company but these are 10 years old.
The first test bases came out quiet good but I think that the basing will look different from my other Panzergrenadiers. I also got my hands on 4 psc Panzer IV to replace the old ones I have and make a more historical accurate list once they arrive.
finished vehicles
All the Vehicles are done now. I decidet to take a shortcut on the tracks and dont painted them at all just covering them with pigments in the end.
To get a 100p list I will ad some infantry and a couple of Tigers from my collection.
Base colours
For the base colour I used army painter desert yellow modulated with ak dunkelgelb (variant) via airbrush.
Except the Marder and recon vehicles camouflage got painted on by hand.
The tricky part was the the wash. My oilwash method do net wofk anymore so I tried agrax earthshade with contrast medium (half of the contrast was actually homemade)
This was applied over the whole vehicle on side at a time with dry time in between. The excess wash was removed with a brush will still wet.
The result is quiet nice and works as a filter too.
French vehicles in german hands
The box content is build. The 21. Panzerdivision used french vehicles as a base for the open topped tank hunters, self Propeller artillery and half tracks.
The box contains 6 lorraine schlepper artillery vehicles but that is a bit much so I converted 3 of them to Marder I and will use them as 7.5cm Hotchkiss for my tank hunter formation